. no words . no time .
. sometimes i just don't have a lot to say and sometimes i'm busy . my absence has been a bit of both lately . but here's a few words from my head today .
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. i sure do like hannah at my chiropractors office .
. i prefer mowing on a not-so-windy day . my ears were full of grass when i got done today . yuck .
. i'm resigned to a dirty kitchen floor...for as long as we both shall live . (i think i've resigned to this before)
. i didn't realize how much i grilled out until the grill broke .
. i don't think i'm a shampoo with 'apple cider vinegar' kinda girl like she is .
. wondering why all of the sudden powdered 'donette's' taste so good . i am never buying them again !
. today i actually feel like a farmers wife . it's not everyday i feel this way but today i do .
. every time i make bacon steve says it's the best bacon he's ever had .
. i'm nervous about a new opportunity that i have tonight .
? does everyone have a bucket list ?
. can i post without photos ? i guess i can .
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