. boston, the final post .
. thought i'd share a few more photos from boston . although not all of them, these are a few favorites . on saturday night we headed out to the saugus/lynn area and looked out over the beach at sunset .
. the boston skyline .
. a beautiful village area . the sunset was incredibly pink to the east .
. and this was looking west .
. public garden .
. newbury street has some beautiful stores .
. my favorite thing about this photo is the reflection in the window .
. found a tiny door just becca's size .
. long wharf area .
. we also went to harvard . i think of all we saw there though our favorite was this awesome form of living art . we almost walked by what looked like a statue . i stopped to look closer at his skin and sure enough he was real . if you dropped money in the vase he would do a very graceful move and look you in the eye as if to thank you . it was amazing . we wandered around and came back about a half hour later and he was still there . i know what you're thinking...why didn't you video this instead of yourselves . i don't have a good answer for you :)
. flower shop near harvard .
. my first bubble tea was at a cute little tea shop near harvard .
. our trusty map . accidently left it at the hotel one day . we still did all we had planned on doing without getting lost .
.boston cream pie and my second bubble tea . peach..yummy .
. seagulls fly close, kind of like the pigeons .
. doesn't she look all cute in her nautical outfit ? i think so .
. our lobster lunch .
. the night before we left we went downtown salem . very cool little town although i don't think i'd enjoy being down there around haloween, a tad spooky from what i hear . it's the salem from the salem witch trials . beautiful store fronts and windows though .
. my third bubble tea in salem .
? have i mentioned i love bubble tea ?
. more photos here if you're interested .
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