. puppies .
. puppies are so much work . how is it that you see them and you forget about how much work they are ? the two we just got are even out of the cute tiny stage, but still oh so sweet . and it's a good thing because they have done their fair share of destruction around here . my flower bed won't be the same .

. and the last 3 weeks the yard has been littered with corn stalks . thankfully that'll be over soon . they loved to eat sweetcorn and couldn't pick it without getting the whole stalk .

. mud on my front door and back door from puppy paws .

. and strange things showing up in the yard . lots of tie-down straps from the machine shed, coveralls and coats from the shop and then...a pair of pants . dress pants . i have no idea where these came from . how do they find this stuff ?

. not to mention the digging, the barking, the chewing, the jumping . i can't wait for them to get about another year on them . i have all new appreciation for chopper and his laziness .
Sounds like the puppies are going none stop!!!
Don't forget the 1 1/2 pr of boots I found :O) I enjoyed them but like any "grandmother" glad I don't have them ALL the time :O) They really are so sweet and cute as can be!!!! hang in there... "raise them right" and life will be easier!! Are we talking dogs or kids ?!?!?! It really is true... The principle is the same :O)
between you and katie's dog stories.... I'm thinking we'll never get one
I'm so behind on reading/looking at pics on your blog -- VBS week for me. Enjoyed it all. Oh, do I remember the puppy stage and what havoc it raised around here! Trouble is: our dog is never going to overcome all her puppy tendencies even though she is grey around the muzzle. I think it is her breed. You probably chose better. Don't get me wrong. Most of what she does is fine, but sometimes she can't help herself and to get attention will do the most rascally things. But on a farm you have to have a dog!
Lol- I love the trail of destruction!!
Our dog is doing this too. Corwin said this morning, man that dog makes a mess!' Yes she does!
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